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Christ-Centered Yoga

Greetings from northern Minnesota! My name is Trina Reitz Billingsley, and I live with my family on about 10 acres in rural Roseau County. My husband and I have 3 children (2 teenagers and one who just aged out of her teens), 5 chickens and 1 dog. I have been practicing yoga for over 10 years – first as a way to calm and strengthen my mind and body, and then as a way to connect with God as an integrated being: mind, body and spirit.

I find it takes intentional mindfulness to live in the present. It can be easy to get stuck mulling over the past or to be swept away by worrying about the future. Remember that Jesus said He came so that we might have life in the fullest measure (John 10:10). To me, that means living life to the fullest right now, in this present moment.

What does living life in the fullest measure look like for you? Perhaps it looks like moving your body, or setting aside time to be mindful, or embodying your faith through movement and breath, or simply dedicating time to be with God? If you are interested in practicing yoga with me, I would love for you to join me in a live class or in on-demand videos.

When I was recovering from wrist injuries and sore toes, I found there was a lack of Christ-centered wrist-free yoga options. Seeing this need, I decided to record some videos with specific modifications for people who may be recovering from injury, experiencing physical limitations, or simply wishing to give certain body parts a break. New videos are added monthly, including options for Wrist-Free Yoga, Chair Yoga, Standing-Only Yoga, Shoulder-Friendly Yoga, and Non-Weight Bearing Yoga.